FACCE-JPI pre-summit Dialogue towards the UNFSS
The Joint Programming Initiative for Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) is organising a dedicated workshop for invited participants on June 25, from 09:30 to 13:30 CET that will contribute to the vision and objectives of the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS).
FACCE-JPI aims to draw on this experience and expertise, in particular the insights gained by placing food Systems in the context of climate, to identify those changes to agricultural production which are required for transformation of Food Systems. The goals of the workshop are also to raise awareness among scientists, research funders, and policy advisors and policy makers about FACCE-JPI’s contributions to making food production more sustainable and to ensuring food security in Europe and around the world, and to discuss ways in which the initiative can contribute to the goals of the UNFSS.
You can find the agenda here.
Though places are limited, if you wish to still join, please register until the 18th of June by clicking here.